
Who Is the Best Offlaner in Dota 6.87?

The Life as an Offlaner Heading over to the offlane all by yourself is perhaps the most intimidating task in Dota 2. You know you're going to be outnumbered, possibly even facing three, and it's no surprise that you'll often hear...

Zoolock Guide for Standard

Introduction Zoo Warlock, or Zoolock, was made by Reynad early on in Hearthstone’s history, and it has managed to survive every meta since, with varying degrees of potency. It is often thought of as being a very easy deck, but...

The Top Five Worst SoloQ Heroes

Do you ever just want to punish yourself? Maybe you just enjoy the challenge of fighting an uphill battle. If so, look no further! I’m here to give you all the insider info on the best Heroes to do...

Slark Guide for 6.87

Slark the Nightcrawler has emerged as a force to be reckoned with in Dota 6.87, with high win rates in both public and competitive games. He was already a viable carry in the previous patch, and we saw some...

Highlight Decks at Dreamhack Austin

Dreamhack Austin went down this past weekend, and with the new expansion having just launched, it was played with the Standard format and all of the new cards. Which meant lots of new decks and interesting cards played. Let’s take...

Zerging the Jungle with Malzahar (Patch 6.9)

Patch 6.9 brought some massive mage changes, however, the greatest impact has probably been seen on Malzahar so far. He has gone from an often neglected midlane mage into a top tier permanently banned jungler. If he happens...

The Pro’s Hero Picks for the Early 6.87 Meta

The Manila Major qualifiers are underway, and the 6.87 meta is beginning to take shape. Hero pick rates were gathered from DatDota, which is an awesome stats site you should definitely go check out. The site's curator, Noxville, has built an...

The MSI 2016 Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Spoilers

The 2016 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational kicked off this morning while I was sleeping. The first match of the day (CLG vs. RNG) started around 2am-3am. I'm not sure the exact time, but I can't Google "MSI schedule"...

Dota 2: A Guide to Farming Efficiency

Mastering effective farming patterns is possibly the fastest way you can improve your Dota play, whether you’re a carry player or a support, since with more gold and more items your contribution to team fights will skyrocket and establishing an...

Deathrattle Paladin Guide: Old Gods

Introduction With the release of the new expansion came the Old Gods. Yogg-Saron, master of magic. Y’Shaarj, leader of armies. C’Thun and his many prophets. And lastly, N’Zoth, lord of the dead. Many people thought that N’Zoth would end up...

Staying Focused: How to Maintain Motivation While Grinding Ranked Games

For a stranger to competitive gaming the idea of a long gaming session requiring finesse seems ridiculous. How could sitting in front of a computer for 2-3 hours playing games possibly wear you down? Anybody who has aggressively pursued a...
The Secret Mage deck has finally surged to the top of the Hearthstone meta.

The Best Mage Deck for Old Gods

Recently a lot of people have been asking me about decks that are viable in the Old Gods expansion. In particular, many people have been asking about Mage decks in the Standard format. Mages got hit quite hard with...