
Overcoming Plateaus in League of Legends

You deserve to be exactly where you are at this point in your League of Legends career. No amount of junglers camping you, toxic teammates, disconnects, or AFK allies can change that over a large enough sample size. Where...
The dankest grenade throws this side of MLG.

8 Ways to Make Decoy Grenades Suck Less

Decoding the Decoy Fake flash. Decoy grenades look almost exactly like flashbangs--the only difference between the two, is the color of the stripe in the middle of the grenade model. If you're playing against enemies who are likely to have...

Top Tips for New Overwatch Players

Even for experienced first-person-shooter players, picking up a new game can be challenging – especially one as complex as Overwatch. There's a huge amount of variety in terms of abilities, maps and different heroes, and tactics like switching to a...
Aggro Druid has returned in Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro expansion. It's fast, flexible, and fun deck that's good in most matchups.

Yogg-Saron Druid Guide

Introduction This is yet another Yogg-Saron inspired deck. It was first seen in competitive play by Tars, who brought it to Dreamhack Austin and managed to defeat his opponent convincingly with it. Recently it has been popularized by J4CKIECHAN, a...

Dota’s Most Underrated Heroes

Elder who? New hero? With 111 heroes to choose from, it's hardly surprising that one or two of them tend to get a little bit overlooked in both public and competitive play. Maybe they don't have the flashiest skills,...

11 Common League of Legends Mistakes

The team that makes the least mistakes has the best chance of winning the game. Obvious, right? Today we have a list of 11 of the most common mistakes that you're probably making every time you lose a game. Identify which one...

Tracer Advanced Guide: Overwatch

Tracer is a hero for players with lightning fast reflexes. She's highly mobile, delivers plenty of burst damage, and gives flashy players loads of opportunities to outplay their opponents – but with a small health pool you can't afford to...
Newke on LAN? I are think that

Newke’s LAN Debut: A Few Notes

It finally happened. After replacing Inferno in the Active Duty map rotation, the entirely remodeled Nuke (Newke) has arrived on LAN. The first two maps in the best-of-three grand finals between OpTic Gaming (OG) and Tempo Storm at MLG's North American...

How to Play with a Split Pusher

Like any game, there are dozens of different strategies and ways to play Heroes of the Storm. Knowing when to employ specific strategies and how to play around your teammates is crucial, especially in a game that’s all about...
Nader? I hardly know 'er!

Nade Stacking 101

Welcome back, dear readers. Earlier in the week we reviewed some advanced tactics for Counter-Terrorist eco rounds. In case you missed it--shame on you--one of the topics we covered was "nade stacking." I'll explain it again here, but thankfully, I've found some...

Know the Decks of the Old Gods Meta

There are a thousand guides on how to climb the ladder in Hearthstone. They all include important advice, but most of them focus around your own state of mind and the deck that you chose to use. One thing...
eco it up bois let's do it c'mon full save let's effin' go boys

Money Talks #1: Optimizing Your Counter-Terrorist Eco Rounds

Congratulations! You just lost your CT pistol round! What now? Well, you're going to have to eco. There are three different economic options available to you. You could do a full force-buy on your second round, purchasing upgraded pistols, Kevlar,...