Five Must-Watch Heroes of the Storm Games
Every esport is defined by its greatest games. Games showcase mechanical feats of wonder, strategical masterpieces, or the most epic storylines ever told. Heroes of the Storm hasn’t been around too long, but already some of the most fantastic...
Master Yourself, BM the Enemy
Sometimes after a massive outplay I feel so 'swole' that I want nothing more than to flex on my enemies. Unlike first-person shooters where inappropriate actions involving a hot drink made from leaves can be executed, League of...
Dreamhack Hearthstone Decks – June Grand Prix
This past weekend, June 17-20, there was another Dreamhack Hearthstone tournament, this time in Sweden. Taking a look at the top players, there were many interesting deck decisions. There were also some very obvious deck choices shared throughout. A...
BOLD PREDICTIONS for the International 2016
So we're a ways out yet from The International 2016 but I've been tasked with making a prediction on who is going to win the biggest tournament of the year. This time, Valve only offered six teams direct invites....
SKT T1 Swept in ‘Freec’ Upset
After a domineering showing at the Mid-Season Invitational, SKT T1 is struggling to find its footing within its own region. As of June 22nd, SKT T1 is the first place team, but sharing the position with 3 others: the...
Overwatch: An Esports Edition Review
Overwatch will have been out officially for one month tomorrow and our staff at Esports Edition could not keep their hands off the game. We have taken some time to provide our opinions on the game's release, its future...
Countering Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess
Top lane champion, Illaoi, has recently entered the ranks of S-tier top laners. Her abilites deal significant damage while healing her for a percentage of her missing health. As a powerful lane bully she looks to dominate her opponents...
SSBM: Training Alone
Many Melee players have felt the frustration of having no options for online play. The game came out in 2001, well before online console play. No one to practice with, no one at your same skill level to play...
Tempest Wins DreamHack Summer!
It’s official: Korea’s Team Tempest is the best Heroes of the Storm team in the world. Only a few weeks ago, they claimed their first title at OGN Super League after only a single month together as a team....
Tons of Trinity Force – the Best Item?
Riot's game patch 6.11 made a fairly significant change to Trinity Force, and the metagame has truly started to reflect this one alteration. Whereas the old recipe called for a Sheen + Phage + Zeal + 200 gold, the new recipe...
League of Legends: Preparing for Ranked Play
How can you prepare for ranked?
Learning how to play League of Legends as a new player is quite the undertaking. First you start off with a small group of "beginner friendly" champions and summoner spells to test out against...
SFV: Balrog Revealed in Story Mode
Capcom announced near the end of last month that the newest character added to Street Fighter V would be Ibuki. Capcom has now confirmed again that Ibuki's addition will come at the end of this month after an unexpected...