This tournament is hosted by the South Korea cable television channel OGN, who specialize in eSports broadcasts. The tournament features exclusively Korean players, and...
Mafia, the popular party game, has an interesting history with Dota2. During the TI5 qualifiers, a group of Dota personalities gathered in Europe to...
World Cyber Arena, a LAN held in Yinchuan, China was plagued by a myriad of issues. The LAN featured a number of different games,...
The long awaited patch has arrived! This update brings a new hero, the Arc Warden, to the game along with a number of map, item,...
The 2016 season is shaping up to be a tremendous year. Not only for the viewers but players and organizations. Organizations folding or breaking...
As we lie in wait of the LCS Spring split next year, lazily scrolling through Reddit, looking for some eSports drama or a dank...
The Beyond the Summit studio hosts one or two Summits a year where they convert their suburban Los Angeles home into a studio, stage,...
As of December 9th, all Dota 2 teams have officially signed up players and locked their rosters through the Shanghai Major in March. The...
The 2016 preseason is in full swing with a laundry list of new champion changes as well as new items. Many of us are...
The Starladder Hearthstone tournament has started up once again, this time paired with I-League. We are currently in the first set of group stages,...
The Starladder Hearthstone tournament has started up once again, this time paired with I-League. We are currently in the first set of group stages,...
On November 27th a website post by C9 manager Danan Flander confirmed the rumors - Cloud9 Dota 2 has disbanded for the second time...