This is what you all asked for. Maybe not all of you actually, but most of us were getting tired of laneswaps in professional play....
Death, Taxes, CLG and TSM powering the North American LCS - some things never change. It is definitely not the same match up that...
Evo 2016 has come and gone. Millions in the fighting game community from around the world got to see top level competition in nine...
After spending a few days fielding offers, Splyce’s bottom lane, AD carry Kasper “Kobbe” Kobberup and support Mihael “Mikyx” Mehle, have re-enlisted with Splyce...
Introduction Recently many of the Hearthstone professional players have been discontent with the state of Hearthstone. One of the loudest speakers has been James ‘Firebat’...
Pauses are a contentious issue in professional Dota 2 matches. Unfortunately, the vast majority of pauses you sees in matches are usually accompanied by an...
Aphromoo greeting fans

NA LCS Week 9 Recap

After Week 8 of the Spring Split, some playoffs hopes had already been crushed; however, the top half of the standings were still very...
Playing against bots is great tool for learning the basics of any MOBA. Getting thrown into matches with nine flaming players is daunting, and...
If you follow Path of Exile, you're probably aware that the new Microtransaction (MTX) system has been on its way for a while. It was...
Prelude Coming out of the 2015 League of Legends World Championship, Fiora was undoubtedly noted as one of the powerhouse champions to fear for the...
In a measure to increase champion diversity in professional play, Riot announced this January that teams will now ban a total of 10 champions...
Introduction For those of you who have been out of the loop, Blizzard released another new hero skin recently. It is Tyrande, a new Priest...