Four months ago, Apex Pride support player Kevin "KonKwon" Kwon hung it up, citing his belief that he was “not good enough” to play...
Recent news of Doublelift deciding to temporarily step down from his role as AD carry for TSM has led to mountains of speculation as...
Your Steam library is full of indie games that you've collected over the years. Through a mixture of Humble Bundles, sales, and drunken late...
BuLba is subject of many a meme. "MMR Assassin," "LULba." There's quite a list. Unfortunately, he's a player known for joining teams right before...
In a surprising move, TSM’s Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng will be taking off the upcoming spring split, the organization announced Tuesday.
Doublelift’s statement:
"It has been a...
What is ATLC?
ATLC initially stood for Archon Team League Championship. It was a massive tournament last year hosted by Archon. Rather than individuals competing,...
Once upon a time, Summoner's Rift wasn't held to its current stale state. It had a beautiful three seasons, before the set of updates...
North America/South America Qualifiers
Despite coming under fire from European invaders, two good 'ol North American teams have prevailed. Team NP and Complexity will be...