Surrender at 15
Feeling stuck in seemingly unwinnable games is one of the worst feelings in all of League of Legends. Things are becoming more manageable thanks to small tweaks brought on by Riot. Photo via YouTube.

Is Surrender Vote at 15 Minutes Coming Soon?

Dec 1, 2016
Feeling stuck in seemingly unwinnable games is one of the worst feelings in all of League of Legends. Things are becoming more manageable thanks to small tweaks brought on by Riot. Photo via YouTube.

According to a recent post on the official League of Legends forums, Riot may be implementing a 15 minute surrender vote in the near future. Lead Gameplay Designer ‘Meddler’ shared the company was looking to test a 15 minute surrender vote, but with the new client nearing competition and the many pre-season changes in flux, the early surrender option finds itself on the back burner for now.

Here’s a post made by Riot Meddler on the official League of Legends forums:

Unanimous surrender (5/5) at 15 minutes is the version we were looking to test. That slipped as a priority relative to the new client and pre-season work. We’ll be getting back to it soonish most likely though. Probably going to start off with a test on one region only, then assess whether it’s working as intended or not and whether we should roll it out wider.

Improving Quality of Experience for Players

Small tweaks to the game like this are considered relatively minor in the grand scope of things, but just how much they impact the player base often goes largely unnoticed. I’ll go as far as to say minor quality of life adjustments are some of the most important changes in the entire game.

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Midrange Shaman Guide

When is your mood at it’s worst in the context of your experience playing League of Legends? If you’re like most people it will be when you’re losing, especially when it’s not even close. Thankfully /remake was able to remove a large chunk of aborted games, but complete stomps still exist. A 15 minute surrender vote reduces the amount of time you have to sit in an unlucky game by 25%; making you less likely to tilt, less likely to flame your team mates, and more likely to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Tiny little optimizations like this can have massive effects on the mood of the entire playerbase by reducing the amount of time players are exposed to unpleasant circumstances.

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Jamie Jacobs
Jamie Jacobs is a bot lane main who once won 17 consecutive Janna games. His favorite champions are Thresh, Kalista, and Bard. Jamie writes about competitive League of Legends and the professional gaming scene every week at Esports Edition.
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