At EGLX 2016, Esports Edition had the opportunity to meet and interview the League of Legends Streamer and personality, KayPeaLol. We took some time...
Do you put your Flash on 'D', or 'F'? This question is often thrown around the League of Legends community as a means to spark...
The 2016 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational kicked off this morning while I was sleeping. The first match of the day (CLG vs. RNG)...
I bumped into dankcloud (mandatorycloud) the other day in a game, getting absolutely carried by the former LCS star. But perhaps the more surprising aspect of...
Mitch Albom, without a doubt, has been one of my favorite writers since I first flipped through the leaves of Tuesdays with Morrie. It also happens...
For a stranger to competitive gaming the idea of a long gaming session requiring finesse seems ridiculous. How could sitting in front of a...
The latest celebrity troll 'Tyler1' has fallen. After capitalizing on a couple weeks of fame resulting in thousands of Twitch visitors watching his stream, high...
For 3 consecutive years now, the Korean regional finals have been more competitive than the World Championship finals themselves; many (and not wrongly so)...
For most of us, League of Legends is just a game. For others it's a job, or even a career. Pro gamers, streamers, Riot employees......
It's time for some prime off-season material! Now that the 2016 Spring Split has been concluded for a short while now, we can...
Communication wins games. Every experienced League of Legends player has been a victim of poor communication at one point. In League of Legends there is...
The Life of a Top Laner, My favorite part about being a top laner is the first spawn onto fountain. I feel like the world...