Osu! is a rhythm game that involves clicking circles at high speed to the tune of anime, kpop, and video game music. The gameplay consists...
Season 7 is Finally Here
The LCS begins today, but pro play in Korea (LCK) has already started up. Thus far, the LCK has had 10...
Ever since a surprisingly strong showing at the Midseason Invitational 2016, Counter Logic Gaming simply has looked like a shadow of its former self....
Last week Team Dignitas announced that BillyBoss would be playing Top Lane in the NA LCS as a replacement for SmittyJ, but there were...
Sometimes after a massive outplay I feel so 'swole' that I want nothing more than to flex on my enemies. Unlike first-person shooters...
As 2016 comes to a close, one man has stayed relevant throughout the entire year: Ezreal. Currently, he is the most played marksman at...
All those hours of playing League of Legends must have really payed off! If you practice enough, someday you may be able to pull...
Stop trying to burn down Baron. Trying to secure Baron is a high-risk play that even professional teams struggle to pull off in games...