The latest action in a series of unfortunate events surrounding the topic of Riot Games' Dynamic Queue has been from the players themselves. In all...
Support is the role in highest demand on Summoner's Rift. Most players queue up with solo lanes and damage dealers as their preferred roles,...
There is more to a successful dynamic queue drafting phase than just making sure you ban all of the OP champions. Today we're going...
The introduction of full best-of-3 series in the North American LCS was viewed with incredible optimism before its execution, community members hoping that...
The trick to becoming a winning player isn't to avoid losing entirely, but rather avoid as many losing streaks as possible. Losses in League of...
Being deceptive in champ select can make it difficult for the opposing team to counter pick you and your teammates. Being capable of playing...
Tired of babysitting your marksman through a treacherous and cumbersome laning phase? Fed up with enemy assassins diving you while trying to heal...
Mastering a select group of champions isn't only incredibly rewarding, it's also one of the best ways to climb the ranked ladders. That being said,...
You deserve to be exactly where you are at this point in your League of Legends career. No amount of junglers camping you, toxic...
The NA LCS Summer Split has kicked off last night with TSM versus CLG followed by Team Envy versus NRG Esports. NA LCS on... On May 31st 2016, Riot hosted a roundtable discussion regarding Dynamic Queue. They brought together the following personalities. Riot Pwyff - Communications Lead at Riot...
The European LCS 2016 Summer Split kicked off today, June 2nd, at 11am EST with Origen versus G2, and H2K versus Roccat. This split...