Previously, I called out ESL and DreamHack for their less-than-stellar production of Heroes events in the past six months, particularly the extreme delays caused...
Heroes of the Storm is unique in that fans can anticipate Hero releases with much greater enthusiasm than other MOBAs. Which Blizzard character will...
The first time I saw her, she was taking a sip from the well. I’ll never forget the water running over those beautiful lips,...
Like any game, there are dozens of different strategies and ways to play Heroes of the Storm. Knowing when to employ specific strategies and...
Do you ever just want to punish yourself? Maybe you just enjoy the challenge of fighting an uphill battle. If so, look no further!...
Last weekend, thousands of people once again flocked to DreamHack, the biggest LAN in the world, for a multi-day festival of games. This time,...
With the upcoming release of Blizzard’s newest game Overwatch, many players were excited by the prospect of characters from the world of Overwatch making...
What defines a successful team in esports? More than any other game, momentum factors in heavily when it comes to winning in Heroes of...