It’s that time of the year again: time for our yearly Hearthstone balance patch! This year Blizzard carefully looked at all of the tier...
Roughly a year ago Hearthstone was commonly referred to as Shamanstone. Shaman was so strong that the two decks from this class were rated...
Every time an expansion comes out it gets harder and harder to start playing Hearthstone. There are so many cards to choose from, and...
Kobolds and Catacombs brought us a lot of really strong cards when it was released last year. Some would even argue that the expansion,...
Anyone who reads my articles knows that I’m a bit of a doomsayer, especially when it comes to Hearthstone, since I believe the game...
It’s no secret that the strongest class in Hearthstone right now is Priest. And it shouldn't come as a surprise that the preferred archetype...
Kobolds and Catacombs has been out for a few days now. That’s not enough for a defined meta, but it is enough to start...
Kobolds and Catacombs is only a few days away, and we finally have the full list of new cards at our disposal. This means...