Last weekend at Blizzcon, the Hearthstone World Championship was full of wild, skillful matches! First, with the help of casters Kripparrian, Reynad, Hyped, and...
The release of The Grand Tournament spawned two entirely new decks. Secret Paladin, and Dragon Priest. Dragon Priest is a deck which makes use...
It's finally (almost) here! Blizzcon will be happening this weekend, November 6-7. This year will be full of interesting developments in the realm of...
As anyone who has played ranked in the past month can tell you, Hearthstone is in an incredibly fast meta at the moment. In...
With the recent fall of Patron Warrior, there is a gap in the Hearthstone meta that's quickly being worked out. Decks such as Aggro...
In Hearthstone, it is common to have certain decks be thought of as 'meta'. Well, what is meta?
In essence, 'meta' in competitive video gaming...
Blizzard is usually pretty secretive about projects they work on right up until they are ready to tell us about them. This year, some...
Hearthstone is one of the most popular video games in the world. But what is it that keeps people coming back to play nearly...