Introduction For those of you who have been out of the loop, Blizzard released another new hero skin recently. It is Tyrande, a new Priest...
Hearthstone is one of the most popular video games in the world. But what is it that keeps people coming back to play nearly...
With TGT, Dragon decks became a big thing. Dragon Priest dominated the scene for a while, and the synergies that the dragons provided made...
Introduction For most players, dust is a large contributing factor in what decks they can play. Most active players are able to earn 60 gold...
If you’ve been keeping up with the new Boomsday Project expansion, or even playing it yourself, you’ve probably encountered Hearthstone's Magnetic mechanic. The Magnetic keyword...
Arena Balance Over the past few weeks, arena balance has become a growing source of concern. Mage in particular is a problem, as they have an...
Hearthstone's reveal season has kicked into high gear this week. For now, I'll be ignoring the 'Prince' legendaries, because honestly, they are garbage. Today, let's talk...
TGT Handlock: Playing Life Tap Warlock Handlock is a control warlock deck centered around using Warlock's hero power, Life Tap, to draw a large hand that...
  Last week, Blizzard hosted a live stream where they revealed eleven of the new Journey to Un’Goro cards. The stream was presented by Peter Whalen, a...
The Trinity Series cup continues this week! For those who missed it, the Trinity Series is a team-based Hearthstone tournament. Teams of three, and...
    The Journey to Un’Goro expansion has been out just long enough for us to start getting a good idea about the upcoming meta, and...
It’s no secret that the strongest class in Hearthstone right now is Priest. And it shouldn't come as a surprise that the preferred archetype...