Apparently Chae "Piglet" Gwang-jin's homesickness is getting the better of him; after seeing fellow Korean competitors CJ’s Park “Shy” Sang-myeon and Kim “Ssumday” Chan-ho...
Hearthstone is a beautiful game. It has a wonderful user interface, nice artwork, and great animations. But that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. In fact,...
If we look at the category of "guns you should only use in certain situations," the undisputed king of CS:GO is the game's ridiculous taser, the Zeus...
Recently I was playing a random solo queue game and happened to be put into a toplane matchup against Jayce. Normally, I find him...
Every time an expansion comes out it gets harder and harder to start playing Hearthstone. There are so many cards to choose from, and...
Of all the issues Valve constantly receives complaints about with Dota 2, the MOBA's matchmaking system is a perennial source of angst among the game's diehard...
Less than half an hour after a reddit post calling out The Rain Man's toxicity on stream, he was swiftly banned on his main...
The Good:
We're getting a LOT more diversity in gameplay with Dota 7.00 Talent Trees. They will completely revitalize the game for spectators. The meta...