The introduction of full best-of-3 series in the North American LCS was viewed with incredible optimism before its execution, community members hoping that...
Welcome to Booster Shot! This article is the first installment in what (I hope) will be a regular feature on Esports Edition. It’s going...
Introduction This article is for those fairly new to Hearthstone. If you follow Hearthstone, you’ll often hear people discussing different deck archetypes. The most common...
There's never a right time to say goodbye. Thanks, Chris Brown for your great life advice. He's right this time though. If you've ever been...
Introduction Silence is one of the core mechanics used in Hearthstone. It was implemented with the launch of the game. It removes all abilities and...
In this five-part series, we’ll go back to five of the oldest games that birthed esports, play them, and examine their relevance in esports...
PoE Necromancer Guide - The Tankiest Build Around In Path of Exile 3.9’s Metamorph league, Necromancers have taken over...
5. Ahri Ahri has a decent laning phase and a high pick potential. She is good at assassinating enemies and has decent wave clear. Her...
Being aggressive when you're playing as a Counter-Terrorist in CS:GO is difficult--if you don't time your aggression correctly, it's likely to backfire. There are...
In the past couple years, we've seen a surge in the popularity of MOBA games. This kind of competition between titles is healthy. Each time...
Heroes of the Storm is well known for its unique map objectives, forcing teams to work together to achieve victory. Whether it be to...
Karl Marx was a 19th century Prussian philosopher who was so apt at articulating theory that he even formed an ideology, Marxism. In a drastic oversimplification,...