This is an article that's seriously overdue. My enthusiasm for Dota has convinced a couple of friends to turn on a match and attempt...
Once again, the TI7 Group Stage has generated an entirely new meta, and there have been plenty of new developments for Dota lovers to mull...
Valve is perhaps best known for creating Steam, the ubiquitous PC gaming platform. While it has developed many successful games, none have as vibrant of an...
Which heroes will define the The International Dota 2 Championships 2017? Will it be the push heroes of TI4, with Nature's Prophet and Shadow...
The International 2017 (TI7) begins in under two weeks. Here are some carry players to keep an eye on during the Group Stage: mason -...
Fair warning: this list is entirely subjective, as there are players who enjoy spamming heroes all day every day for months and seem to...
Being good at warding is a skill that often gets overlooked, but if you've played enough Dota, you know that vision can make or...
The International 2017 is only weeks away, and Valve has treated us to an entire overhaul of the Majors, with the new system launching...
Some of the most stylish plays you'll see in Dota 2 tend to involve somebody killing their own teammate or tower. There's nothing more frustrating than seeing...
The Battle Cup is a wonderful addition to Dota, offering a chance to play in a real, structured tournament with a team even if...
With The International 2017 only a month away, there's a chance we might see a new hero added to the Dota 2 roster in...
Rod of Atos got a serious overhaul in Dota's 7.00 patch. In the past, the item had been panned, with most analysts and players agreeing that...