Kara Jacobacci

Kara has been following professional DotA2 since the TI4 qualifiers. When not watching matches on Twitch, she can be found working (or attempting to find work) as a geologist and enjoying nature.
After two years of waiting, I finally had a shot at attending TI6 in person. It's definitely a perk of taking a job in...
So I'm a bit of a latecomer to Pokemon GO. I've been tentatively excited about it since the teaser trailer was released, but I...
The Main event just started, but there's been plenty of must-see moments during the group stages. Here are some of The International 2016 highlights: The Upsets The...
So you’ve all heard my rant about eSports team merchandise, but what about game merchandise? The TI Secret Shop The TI Secret Shop, named after its...
What is the Dota 2 Short Film Contest, you ask? Every year around The International, Valve puts up a bunch of prize money for...
TI6 starts in just a few days (hype!) - but Valve just released the talent list and format on Tuesday. Reddit's been whipped into...
Last week I wrote about Wings’ gaming BLink and y Innocence casting at The Summit 5. The subject of bilingual casts has been fairly contentious...
If you follow Counter Strike, you've probably already heard the news. Valve decided to crack down on skin and item betting sites, catching Dota2Lounge...
Who Are Wings? Current Roster: Shadow BLink (跳刀跳刀) Faith_Bian Innocence (also displayed as y innocence) Iceice All of these players have been around the pro scene for a bit, mostly playing...
Here’s an in-depth look at the most casual tournament of the year: So you're watching The Summit for the first time - what can you...
The International never fails to amaze in the prize pool department. It's the one thing we get to consistently hold over League: TI Prize...
Feeling some inter-tournament blues? Can’t wait for the Summit 5 to get your “pro gamers hanging out in houses” fix? Check out some team...