Jess Lambert

Jess Lambert
Jess has played just about every popular game known to man and follows the competitive world voraciously - despite being absolutely awful at gameplay itself. However, she adores creating graphics, lives in the Adobe Suite, and makes pretty pixels for Esports Edition. When not working, Jess can be found roaming her neighborhood at weird hours trying to catch enough Charmanders to get a Charizard.
With all the gloriously gross video game monsters out there, any sort of horror game has a lot of stiff competition. Between fast-moving zombies...
Too lazy to read? Check out our quick video review. Space. Shooting. Killing robots. Loot. These are a few of my favorite things. And Drifting...
Too lazy to read? Watch our review in less than 4 minutes. As a big fan of puzzle adventures and horror games, The Crow’s Eye...
The numbers are in, and ELEAGUE Major viewer numbers broke records on Twitch and took the world of televsion by storm. Check out these important...
When my editor came to me with Maize, I asked what it was about. Editor: “Well, there’s sentient corn-” Me: “Stop. It’s done. Send it to...
The leaves are falling, and your bros are ramping up for a sick party. You can buy unlimited amounts of candy in the stores...
Listen up, city-folk. Have you ever wanted to run away from it all? Grown tired of exhaust clouds and randos coming within a one-foot...
Let the Cringe Begin The beauty of the modern era is that gaming has become so socially acceptable, everyone has at least some idea of...