
Training alone

SSBM: Training Alone

Many Melee players have felt the frustration of having no options for online play. The game came out in 2001, well before online console play. No one to practice with, no one at your same skill level to play...

League of Legends: Preparing for Ranked Play

How can you prepare for ranked? Learning how to play League of Legends as a new player is quite the undertaking. First you start off with a small group of "beginner friendly" champions and summoner spells to test out against...

Heroes to Watch in Dota 6.88 Patch

Dota 6.88 is here, bringing with it the TI 6 metagame.  There may be one or two tweaks still to come before this year's International, but only if something is looking too imbalanced for the developers to ignore. Patch...

Pirate Warrior Guide

Introduction This deck is commonly referred to as Pirate Warrior, but it could just as easily be called ‘Face Warrior’. With every card in the deck contributing to directly killing your opponent, this deck doesn’t stall at all. In fact,...

4 Ways to Tilt the Other Team

In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the primary form of psychological warfare is trash talk. It's simple, and it works--if your opponents are constantly telling you how much you "suck" and asking you how much you tagged the wall for, it can be easy...

Heroes of the Storm: Limiting Your Mistakes

The most important part of learning is failing. You cannot go through life and expect to get better at something without failing; it’s simply the trial and error process that’s part of our genetic makeup. Of course, it’s only...

Support Main: The Secrets to Carrying Your Team

Support is the role in highest demand on Summoner's Rift. Most players queue up with solo lanes and damage dealers as their preferred roles, overlooking the impact on the game a skilled support player can have. Just because they...

Dynamic Queue Drafting Strategy: 3 Tips for Perfection

There is more to a successful dynamic queue drafting phase than just making sure you ban all of the OP champions. Today we're going to talk about a few small optimizations you can apply to your drafting strategy to...

Dota 2: How to Get a Rampage

Wiping out the enemy team all by yourself is perhaps the most rewarding feeling there is for any Dota 2 player, prized even more highly than actually winning the game for a lot of people. Even the most experienced of...

League of Legends: 9 Emergency Tips to Break Losing Streaks

The trick to becoming a winning player isn't to avoid losing entirely, but rather avoid as many losing streaks as possible. Losses in League of Legends can be very draining, but you must recover quickly if you know what's best...

Zyra Support: Grow Your Own Botlane

Tired of babysitting your marksman through a treacherous and cumbersome laning phase? Fed up with enemy assassins diving you while trying to heal your teammates, helplessly calling for help? I've got the homegrown solution for you! Get ready to...

Tips for Choosing a New Main Champion

Mastering a select group of champions isn't only incredibly rewarding, it's also one of the best ways to climb the ranked ladders. That being said, imposing a limit on your champion pool also comes with it's own set of unique...