
The Party Crashers in Hearthstone's recent Tavern Brawl have turned the game into a fancy looking coin-flipping simulator.

Party Crashers: Hearthstone’s Worst Tavern Brawl Ever

Hearthstone's current Tavern Brawl is the worst one yet. If you've read my articles, it won't come as a surprise that I hate excessive randomness in Hearthstone. Tavern Brawls often include a lot of randomness--think Webspinners, Unstable Portals, and Encounter at...
Path of Exile's impending expansion, Fall of Oriath, is taking a new approach to the ARPG genre.

Path of Exile’s Fall of Oriath: Reimagining the ARPG

A select few titles best exemplify each genre of video games. In MMOs, for example, World of Warcraft is the gold standard. For MOBAs, Dota is often seen as the breakthrough. Starcraft is, without a doubt, the most prominent...
Journey to Un'Goro

Journey to Un’Goro: New Mechanics, New Cards

We’ve known for a while that the new Hearthstone expansion would involve the Un’Goro crater, an area in World of Warcraft filled with dinosaurs and elementals. Now the official launch trailer has gone live! The Jouney to Un'Goro announcement...
Hearthstone News - Legend Matchmaking and Wild Leaderboards

Hearthstone: Wild Leaderboards, Legend Matchmaking, and More

Over the past week, we've had an incredible amount of Hearthstone news, including nerfs, arena changes, ladder changes, and more information about Blizzard's plans the new year. Unfortunately, the new expansion announcement isn’t out yet, but the Hearthstone devs have...
Hearthstone Paladin - Arena Changes February 2017

Hearthstone: Massive Arena Changes in the Works

  I've talked about Hearthstone's arena changes briefly before after Blizzard hinted that they were coming, and we’ve discussed that they planned to change the frequency of cards. However, now, there are a ton of things to discuss, and it’s...
Hearthstone Features - Tavern Brawl

Our Hearthstone Wishlist for 2017

Hearthstone is a beautiful game. It has a wonderful user interface, nice artwork, and great animations. But that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. In fact, far from it. Even ignoring balancing, Hearthstone could use a little work--at the very least,...
Year of the Mammoth

Year of the Mammoth: New Ladder, Hero Portrait, and Rewards

The launch of Hearthstone's Year of the Mammoth promises many new features: a reworked ranked ladder system, a new hero portrait, and login rewards await. Read on to learn about the exciting new changes coming to Hearthstone in 2017! Ranked Ladder Changes Hearthstone's ranked...
Year of the Mammoth - Hearthstone

Hearthstone’s Year of the Mammoth: The Cards

  The Year of the Kraken is winding up, and Blizzard has finally put out their announcements for the new year. Welcome to the Year of the Mammoth! In 2017, players will see some of Hearthstone's core features get a makeover...
Hearthstone Arena Curvestone.

Hearthstone: Arena ‘Curvestone’ Issues

For those unfamiliar with ‘curvestone,' it's a way to describe playing on curve in Hearthstone. Some decks are built to play on curve, while others are more adaptable--unfortunately, due to the current state of the game, playing on curve...
Jade Druid Balanced

Jade Druid: The Worst Kind of Hearthstone Deck

It’s no secret that Shaman is the most played class right now. And by right now, I mean it has been for the past year. People call it Shamanstone for a reason. Aggressive decks are the bane of most...

Top Five Cards We’ll Miss from League of Explorers

I was originally going to write about the top five cards we’ll miss when the next group of sets rotates out, but as I was making it, I realized that most of it was from League of Explorers. I decided...
Shamanstone Banner

Shamanstone: A Dedication

I’ve talked about this issue recently, but the past few days have warranted a post of their own. This entire post is dedicated to the many complaints about Shamans. In my over three years playing Hearthstone, I’ve never seen...