The current Hearthstone meta revolves entirely around Druid. At rank one, Druids make up over 60% of the decks, and across all decks, that...
When Path of Exile's 3.0 patch launched, Grinding Gear Games added three new offensive skill gems. They also tossed in a host of support...
Nowadays, most big games rely on a constant stream of updates and expansions to keep things fresh and new. Hearthstone adds new cards, World of...
Want to become a better player, but don't know where to start? Me neither, most of the time. Finding a place to start training...
A few weeks ago I wrote an article about Gigantic's potential future as a competitive title. To get a better idea of how the game...
Hearthstone is a multiplayer title, and that's what the game has always been known for. Historically, the single player side of Hearthstone has ranged from...