The current Hearthstone meta revolves entirely around Druid. At rank one, Druids make up over 60% of the decks, and across all decks, that...
When Path of Exile's 3.0 patch launched, Grinding Gear Games added three new offensive skill gems. They also tossed in a host of support...
Now is as good a time as any to talk about the tangled web of the Dota 2 subreddit and its relationship with the actual...
Nowadays, most big games rely on a constant stream of updates and expansions to keep things fresh and new. Hearthstone adds new cards, World of...
Want to become a better player, but don't know where to start? Me neither, most of the time. Finding a place to start training...
It's a little past 1:00 AM. I've just stumbled out of the gated doors of Net8 Esports Arena, a PC bang in Richmond, British Columbia...
A few weeks ago I wrote an article about Gigantic's potential future as a competitive title. To get a better idea of how the game...
Hearthstone is a multiplayer title, and that's what the game has always been known for. Historically, the single player side of Hearthstone has ranged from...
With the launch of Path of Exile 3.0, several changes were made in terms of monster density. This is mostly in regards to the...