Troll your opponents with a team of gorillas or lure them into deadly death traps: with the open beta kicking off in the first week...
Patch 6.9 will bring with it a massive mid-season re-work to some of the outdated mages. While a few of them are receiving some...
With the expansion and Standard format coming out next week, this week has held a lot of news. First there were the Standard Nerfs,...
China’s premier Heroes of the Storm tournament, the Gold Series Heroes League—Gold League for short—kicked off last week with rather unsurprising results. While Gold...
When Blizzard announced that they were coming out with a Standard format, in which the Basic and Classic sets would always be available, they...
What is U.R.F.? The Ultra Rapid Fire game mode was first introduced for April Fools on April 1st, 2014. The game mode takes place on...
Mana management is one of the primary skills in ARTS MOBAs, yet even the pros occasionally screw it up. Ahh, reminds me of the Clown9...
In this five-part series, we’ll go back to five of the oldest games that birthed esports, play them, and examine their relevance in esports...
Riot announced late last year that the 2016 Summer Split, for both North America and Europe, will be moving away from best-of-ones. This summer...