Team Solomid Locks in Doublelift for the 2016 Season

Nov 2, 2015

While everyone was searching for their Halloween costumes, Team Solomid ended their search for a new ADC. Early Halloween day, TSM announced that they had ended their tryouts for the ADC role and announced their acquisition of Peter “Doublelift” Peng. Doublelift is known to be an extremely focused and hardworking player and announced that his decision to join TSM was because he feels his goals and the organization’s goals are aligned. With nothing but international success in the sights of TSM owner, Andy Dihn and TSM mid-lane, Bjergsen, it seems that Doublelift might be an exact fit.

Reflecting on the 2015 season, Doublelift proved to be the best ADC in NA statistically and mechanically, helping CLG secure their first place finish in the 2015 NA LCS Summer Split. Meanwhile, Jason “Wildturtle” Tran, TSM’s previous ADC was questioned, challenged and under performed throughout the same split. Although Wildturtle wasn’t the only reason for TSM’s disappointing season, replacing him might bring the drive and motivation the team was missing. Having Bjergsen and Doublelift on the same team ensures that TSM will have the best players mechanically in those positions but much of their 2016 success will be determined by whoever fills in the remaining positions. Doublelift brings with him a large personality and a sometimes conflicting perspectives in League of Legends. If the new players do not get along or cannot establish a positive relationship, TSM runs the risk of developing a bad atmosphere. Without having a full team, its hard to determine whether or not Doublelift will truly be a better fit within the organization. It was not his choice to leave CLG, just as they released their head coach, Doublelift was released for not getting along with the rest of his team. If TSM can complete their roster with additional star players and maintain a healthy atmosphere they have a good shot at entering 2016 with success. On the contrary, anything less might tear the team apart.

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For most TSM fans this news was probably disheartening as Wildturtle was moved to a substitute role within the team and was announced to be actively searching for another. Wildturtle has been an iconic member of TSM since 2013. Frequently noted as unpredictable and mechanically strong, he was a key member of TSM’s past success and his smile will be missed by TSM fans across NA. Within NA not many teams are actively searching for ADC players, Wildturtle could end up anywhere.

The off season has brought exciting change within the NA LCS, who do you predict will fill the rest of TSM’s roster? Where will Wildturtle go? Who will be CLG’s new ADC? We look forward to finding out in the next couple of weeks.

Oct 28, 2015
Oct 25, 2015
Oct 24, 2015
Oct 22, 2015
Phischer Stanley
Phischer spends much of his time at his computer investing hours into League of Legends. Whether its playing, following the competitive scene or doing analysis, he always finds enjoyment in eSports.
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ayy lmao









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