The League of Legends Jungle Pool Has Expanded - How Will the New Champs Fare? Jungling might be the most...
This cinematic trailer was never officially released by Riot, but it was leaked in 2012 and has made it's way onto the internet for...
Once upon a time, Summoner's Rift wasn't held to its current stale state. It had a beautiful three seasons, before the set of updates...
League of Legends had two recent patch updates. While the 8.2 patch has been out for a few weeks, 8.3 just went live a...
After an offseason that felt like it lasted forever, the EU LCS resumed this weekend. Six series in however, and we've yet to...
Coming out of the first week of Worlds 2016, H2K looked shaky to say the least. While no one necessarily had great expectations for...
League of Legends Worlds 2018 just happened, with Invictus Gaming taking the finals. This was the first time that a Chinese team had taken...
It's Monday and the winner of the Fnatic versus H2K series is... undecided. How is that possible? Thousands of excited EU LCS fans woke up...
Nexus Blitz has been a mode showcased several times now within League of Legends. It’s entirely different from the main game, and in it's...
Neeko, the Curious Chameleon In the upcoming League of Legends patch 8.24 we'll see the 143rd official champion to hit the rift. Neeko, known as...
The season-ending Worlds tournament taking place in North America during a time in which multiple analysts have North American teams ranked above many of their...
Following their inaugural season in the European League of Legends Championship Series, Team Vitality has cut ties with support player Raymond "KaSing" Tsang in...