Intel Extreme Masters tournament begins this weekend, the 21st of November. The League of Legends teams are ready to compete and with the recent...
Rift Rivals 2018 is an international League of Legends tournament, and is considered the second biggest of its kind - falling only behind the...
Check out this sweet song some fans from 'Community Collab' made based off of the lore about Gangplank and his army!
The recent transition to 10 bans in professional League of Legends has entirely reshaped competitive pick and ban strategies, enabling teams to interact more than ever before...
Riot Games, despite being busy after giving us a boatload of stuff to drool over due to their 10th anniversary celebration, has...
5. Blitzcrank
Coming in at number five is Blitzcrank. Blitzcrank has always been one of the better supports, other than his pull which can guarantee...
North American League of Legends squad Cloud9 has announced their lineup for the 2017 League Championship Series Spring Split on Monday, replacing their long-time...
It didn't take long after a recent study revealed that Twitch viewers are more likely to donate money to popular streamers after a recent traumatic...