With every new set of Hearthstone cards, Blizzard introduces powerful combos. Some of these are obvious, and others not so much. This time around,...
This deck was created by Sempok, who successfully piloted it to rank three legend. He managed to hit legend in a mere six days, going...
In Hearthstone, it is common to have certain decks be thought of as 'meta'. Well, what is meta?
In essence, 'meta' in competitive video gaming...
This isn't the first time, and it hopefully won't be the last, but Hearthstone's viewership is plummeting. Again. Hearthstone, as you're probably aware, is...
TGT Handlock: Playing Life Tap Warlock
Handlock is a control warlock deck centered around using Warlock's hero power, Life Tap, to draw a large hand that...
Recently a lot of people have been asking me about decks that are viable in the Old Gods expansion. In particular, many people have...
The final batch of Death Knights for Hearthstone's Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion have been revealed. We also have the release date for...
Introduction to Patch 6.1.3
For the past month or so, the Hearthstone community has been very upset with the state of the game. Many professionals...