Recently, we discussed what skill ceilings and skill floors are. One of the things we touched on in the article was that Hearthstone, because of...
In May this year, just before the Standard format and Whispers of the Old Gods launched, several cards received the nerf-hammer. One of the...
Last weekend at Blizzcon, the Hearthstone World Championship was full of wild, skillful matches! First, with the help of casters Kripparrian, Reynad, Hyped, and...
The Thirty Legendary Deck is something that most players have heard of. It is, as the name would suggest, a deck comprised of only...
For those unfamiliar with ‘curvestone,' it's a way to describe playing on curve in Hearthstone. Some decks are built to play on curve, while...
With their most recent set, The Grand Tournament, Blizzard released a new Hearthstone mechanic: Inspire. Inspire is a mechanic that does something when you...
This past weekend, many big names in the Hearthstone world sat down to play for their chance to go to Blizzcon in November. In...
Hearthstone is one of the most popular video games in the world. But what is it that keeps people coming back to play nearly...