Bloodmage Thalnos has often been seen as a very flexible card. It’s fitting that he starts off this list. He is probably the most underwhelming legendary that is actually played. He doesn’t have a flashy ability or great stats, he simply has a job and does it well. He’s a Loot Hoarder with spellpower, a Kobold Geomancer that draws cards. He offers multiple effects for low cost, making him extremely versatile.
Bloodmage Thalnos appeared in five of the decks we analyzed. These decks were mainly Rogue and Mage decks. However, Thalnos works well in Shaman with the new Spirit Claws, as well as being a good cycler in Druid.
It is worth noting that Thalnos was tied with Yogg-Saron. However, this was working off of lists prior to his nerf. We decided not to include Yogg, since we assumed his usage will go down significantly.