Overwatch quick play runs at a tick rate of 20.8 steps per second. People cite the issue as Overwatch's most pressing problem. Is it...
Wiping out the enemy team all by yourself is perhaps the most rewarding feeling there is for any Dota 2 player, prized even more...
The introduction of full best-of-3 series in the North American LCS was viewed with incredible optimism before its execution, community members hoping that...
Last week I wrote an article discussing the Shaman Issue in Hearthstone. That article discussed why Shaman has risen to be the strongest class,...
The trick to becoming a winning player isn't to avoid losing entirely, but rather avoid as many losing streaks as possible. Losses in League of...
Rosterpocalypse 1: Bakery’s Funhouse Earlier this year, the European scene went through the largest player shuffle in the history of Heroes of the Storm. Several...
  With Whispers of the Old Gods came four incredibly powerful cards that the set was named after – the Old Gods. Each Old God...
Somewhat unsurprisingly, Evil Geniuses and Team Secret were eliminated from the main event in Manila on the first day of play. They placed third...
Being deceptive in champ select can make it difficult for the opposing team to counter pick you and your teammates. Being capable of playing...
Now that Overwatch hit the market, let's see how its item system fares against other established eSports titles. This article is meant for casual players...
It's official--Kinguin are returning to CS:GO. On June 7th, the penguin-themed aftermarket CD key retailer announced their acquisition of the Dobry&Gaming (D&G) roster. While Dobry&Gaming aren't exactly...
Tired of babysitting your marksman through a treacherous and cumbersome laning phase? Fed up with enemy assassins diving you while trying to heal...