Esport's massive growth can be both a blessing and a curse. This year might be the largest for eSports growth. An LCS team's spot...
This tournament is hosted by the South Korea cable television channel OGN, who specialize in eSports broadcasts. The tournament features exclusively Korean players, and...
Games of competitive League of Legends can often turn quite boring. When each team is desperate for the win, they play safely and methodically....
Disclaimer: No champion is entirely useless. In the right hands every champion can be used effectively. Unicorns of Love made waves when they played...
This is part 3 of a now 4 part series covering the rookie teams set to play in the upcoming 2016 NA LCS Spring...
The ugly debate that has plagued eSports since the inception of the LCS: are professional gamers considered 'athletes'? They may not be physically gifted like...
Thank you everyone who participated in our survey. The survey is now closed. Good luck and the winners will be announced shortly, remember to...
Over the past few years, lane swapping has become an integral part of competitive League of Legends. Teams that pull it off, often end...