Featured image by CrazyJN via Deviant Art. Priest Problems It’s no secret that the Priest class has been struggling quite a bit over the last few...
There's never a right time to say goodbye. Thanks, Chris Brown for your great life advice. He's right this time though. If you've ever been...
For most of us, League of Legends is just a game. For others it's a job, or even a career. Pro gamers, streamers, Riot employees......
League of Legends had two recent patch updates. While the 8.2 patch has been out for a few weeks, 8.3 just went live a...
Poe Soulrend Guide Soulrend was one of the new skills introduced in Path of Exile’s 3.6 release. It is often outshone by Bane,...
How to Build Tinker Effectively This DotA 2 Tinker guide is useful for those of you who want to...
When you lane against a ranged champion as a melee, your opponent starts the game with a huge advantage. Any time you step into...
CS:GO will forever hold a special place in my heart. Now don't get me wrong, it is by no means a perfect game. I...
Cubelock is the newest variant of Warlock, and it revolves around two new cards, one of which the deck gets its name from. Carnivorous...
Let me preface this Sombra guide by noting my massive hard-on for the stealth genre. I'm a huge fan of stealth games, and I've poured untold...
Paladin is often considered to be the second strongest arena class at the moment, behind Mage. Before Whispers of the Old Gods launched, it...
Whispers of the Old Gods lands on April 26, so it's time to get cracking with deckbuilding! In this article, I'll explore a tentacley...