Ivern has exploded as a powerful jungle pick during the third week of the LCS. After being picked eight times in the first two...
When you lane against a ranged champion as a melee, your opponent starts the game with a huge advantage. Any time you step into...
Standard has now been out for several months. While it is doing quite well, I find myself missing some things from Wild. Some of...
Since Valve relies on Dota 2's microtransactions to make money off of the free-to-play game, you'd think the cosmetics would all be beautifully rendered,...
It's finally here--after a long drought following the disastrous Winter Update, Valve has released a massive update to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. In addition to...
Sometimes, in Counter-Strike, everything goes right--out of a combination of luck and skill, the stars align in your favor. Think of a perfect pop...
In League of Legends, sometimes the early game just doesn't go your way. Perhaps your jungler is having a rough start, or maybe the...
5. Showdown
Showdown was and still is the only true 1v1 or 2v2 game mode. This game mode takes place on the Howling Abyss and...