Stephen Draper

Stephen Draper
Stephen has a degree in English from Brock University. He grew up playing video games and card games, always having an affection for strategy. He picked up League of Legends in early Season One and has since achieved Diamond rank multiple times. He also picked up Hearthstone in Beta and has since achieved Legend consistently. When he isn’t reading, writing, or gaming, he’s probably watching other people game.
Today I spent about 120 Chaos Orbs in Path of Exile, gearing out my new character. That’s not a lot, as far as high-end...
The third Heroic Tavern Brawl has arrived! Like it has been in the past, the Heroic Tavern Brawl is a Hearthstone event that caters...
Hearthstone has always struggled with innovation. Every cycle, without fail, the community will invent a couple oddball decks that are surprisingly successful, but for the...
If you couldn't tell from my incredibly witty title, this week’s report will not be about the meta. Not much has changed this week in...
Egg Druid was one of my favorite decks before it got lost to the abyss of Wild. Originally created by J4CKIECHAN, Egg Druid was...
Hearthstone's meta has been slowly settling over the past several weeks. As the new Journey to Un'Goro decks become more refined, they're bound to move...
Hearthstone has been feeling fast for a while now. When the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan expansion dropped, many players felt that games were suddenly over...
Taunt Warrior is a new Hearthstone deck archetype, spawned by Blizzard's Journey to Un’Goro expansion. While the deck itself is new, it's not exactly...
  On first examination, it's easy to dismiss Path of Exile as just another ARPG. To be fair, the trademarks of the genre aren't hard to...
The Hearthstone meta has already shifted numerous times in the weeks since the Journey to Un'Goro expansion was released. The Rogue Quest deck has stayed...
Stellar Overload is a "3D open-world, blocks-based, FPS, adventure" game from the developers over at Cubical Drift Studios, and it's currently in Early Access...
Each class in Hearthstone has a unique Quest card in the new Journey to Un’Goro expansion. For Mage, your Quest is to play six spells that...