Jamie Jacobs
The 2016 NA LCS Summer Split is already more than half over. The conclusion of week 5 leaves us with a top 3 of TSM, Immortals, and a three-way tie between Team Liquid, Cloud 9, and Team EnvyUs.
Things are finally starting to look slightly better for Origen.
After a nightmare off-season in which their star bot lane duo walked away from the...
It can be difficult to keep up with the meta in League of Legends. New patches are frequent and PBE tweaks are constantly being...
When CLG were fighting their way through the international teams competing at the Mid Season Invitational (MSI), the rest of North America was at...
How can you prepare for ranked?
Learning how to play League of Legends as a new player is quite the undertaking. First you start off...
Challenger players are the 0.01% of the League of Legends player base. They have invested countless hours into the game and in turn developed...
League of Legends is a free-to-play game with a massive fan base constantly demanding new features and fixes to make their playing experience better....
Support is the role in highest demand on Summoner's Rift. Most players queue up with solo lanes and damage dealers as their preferred roles,...