Jamie Jacobs

Jamie Jacobs
Jamie Jacobs is a bot lane main who once won 17 consecutive Janna games. His favorite champions are Thresh, Kalista, and Bard. Jamie writes about competitive League of Legends and the professional gaming scene every week at Esports Edition.
Communication wins games. Every experienced League of Legends player has been a victim of poor communication at one point. In League of Legends there is...
C9 Impact appears to be coming to a NA LCS Summer split near you. Recent reports have revealed that Cloud 9 will swap out long time top...
I love watching LCS. Seeing pro players compete at the highest level and pull off low percentage game-changing plays is exhilarating. When FeniX 1v4...
What is U.R.F.? The Ultra Rapid Fire game mode was first introduced for April Fools on April 1st, 2014. The game mode takes place on...
Riot announced late last year that the 2016 Summer Split, for both North America and Europe, will be moving away from best-of-ones. This summer...
Riot sure wrote a beautiful script for this one. After a disappointing spring split for the newly formed TSM super team, the team found themselves in the...
Fnatic did it again. It seems as though the moment you count Fnatic out, they surprise everyone. This is a team that thrives as...
The jungle role in League of Legends is complicated and comes with a variety of different responsibilities. As you climb the ranks, you will...
The North American LCS may be without support player KiWiKiD next season. KiWiKiD has been reflecting on his past, and planning for his future, after Team Dignitas...
Every couple of weeks a new champion surfaces as a top pick in a new role. This ever-changing meta is what keeps League of...
Stop trying to burn down Baron. Trying to secure Baron is a high-risk play that even professional teams struggle to pull off in games...
The pool of viable champions for top laners now includes a highly mobile bruiser in Ekko. Things have changed since the Mundo/Shyvanna meta of...