Eugene Torubalko

Eugene Torubalko
Eugene has a major in Germanic languages and literature. Being an avid gamer and esports enthusiast, he found himself writing and covering the competitive Dota 2 and Hearthstone scenes. He is always ready to deliver reviews, game predictions, tournament analysis, and anything else related to the world of esports.
Hearthstone players stuck at ranks 5 to 10 sometimes cannot understand what exactly is going wrong. They refuse to accept their misplays...
What to Expect for the Spring 2021 Dota Plus Update Dota Plus is a premium monthly subscription service in Dota 2. It comes with many...
Aghanim’s Labyrinth, for Fun or for Prizes! The new event in Dota 2 and Battle Pass 2020 gave us the...
An Aghanim’s Labyrinth Guide The new event in Dota 2 and Battle Pass 2020 gave us the Aghanim’s Labyrinth mode. While cooperative game modes always...
Hearthstone Grandmasters First Two Weeks On August 14th, Season 2 of the Hearthstone Grandmasters began. Matches take place every...
Hearthstone Scholomance Review The time for cards reveal from the upcoming expansion has already begun. From July 22 to July...
DotA 2 Dark Willow Guide With all the meta changes lately, there are more opportunities for high-tier supports.
Defeat Your Opponents with our Zephrys Priest Guide! There are only a few popular Priest decks in the current...
Dota 2 Beginner Heroes - Learn to Be the Best In case you are just starting your journey...
Hearthstone Card Backs. What should you know? Despite the fact that Hearthstone is fairly intuitive game, the card back system...
How to Build Tinker Effectively This DotA 2 Tinker guide is useful for those of you who want to...
Hearthstone Ashes of Outland Joins the Expansions Although Hearthstone Battlegrounds has held sway over standard for the past few...