Follow the lives of professional gamers to see how they live their lives. Learn about the things they had to go through to get...

Team Dignitas – House Tour

Get an inside peek at the Team Dignitas house and how the team works.
Communication is important, as these professionals show, and it all pays off when you're able to make plays like these.

DRIVE: The Pobelter Story

Check out the story behind Pobelter and how he got to where he is today.
Blizzard's Game Director Jeff Kaplan discusses some of the key areas they're working on, including his current thoughts on the future of ranked play in...
Welcome to League of Legends, Cinematic Trailer, was made in 2010. This trailer introduced new people and players to the game in one of...
After the introduction of Ana, the support sniper, and some serious balance adjustments at the end of July, Jeff Kaplan talks though all the changes. We love...
Lustboy takes a look at Bard and tells us how he should be played and used in team fights. Former Tempo Storm captain Dreadnaught explains major drafting concepts and strategies and applies them to real drafts from the NA Spring Championship qualifier. While...

The Making of Freljord Music

Follow Riot in the making of the Freljord music, used throughout the game. Learn what instruments were used and how they blended singing into...
The first short animation for Overwatch gives fans a chance to get a deeper look at some of its colorful, quirky characters, and sets the scene for...

Patch Rundown 5.17

Scarizard, Zirene, Jag and Counter Logic Gaming’s ZionSpartan tackle the biggest changes in today’s rundown of patch 5.17. Tune in to learn about balance...