Understanding Hearthstone Mechanics: What Is Adapt?
Adapt is one of the new mechanics coming to Hearthstone in the Journey to Un’Goro expansion. From what we've seen, the Adapt mechanic seems exclusive to Beasts, which makes sense--the dinosaurs in Un'Goro all have the ‘Beast’ tag, and all...
Quests: Making Hearthstone Great Again
Hearthstone's Journey to Un’Goro expansion will be launching in the next week or so. It will bring many changes with it, including a Standard rotation and 135 new cards. One of the new card types that Blizzard is introducing are Quests....
Hearthstone: New Hunter Quest and Warlock Legendary
The release of the Hunter quest for Hearthstone's Journey to Un'Goro expansion is the fifth we've seen so far, which means there's only four to go. The new Hunter quest is one of my favorites, mostly because of the...
Hearthstone: New Rogue Quest and Paladin Legendary
We've seen three quests from Journey to Un’Goro so far. Keep in mind there will be one for each class. Priest’s quest seems amazing, offering deathrattle synergies and massive health gain. Shaman’s quest just might enable a new aggressive...
Shaman’s New Quest: Uniting the Murlocs
Aggro Murloc was a thing back in beta. Warlock Aggro Murloc was actually viable, if not top tier. However, since then Murlocs haven’t received much love. The Murlocs that have been released since beta mostly fit in niche settings....
Journey to Un’Goro: New Elementals
You might be thinking to yourself that Hearthstone has had Elementals for a while. And you'd be right. But also wrong! Elementals have been in the game since release. However, they haven't ever had their own tribe before. They...
Game Development 101: Designing Hearthstone Cards
Last week, Blizzard hosted a live stream where they revealed eleven of the new Journey to Un’Goro cards. The stream was presented by Peter Whalen, a senior game designer, and Day9, a popular streamer and caster. Day9, who recently launched a...
Journey to Un’Goro: The Revealing Begins
The Journey to Un’Goro reveal season is finally upon us. Over the next two weeks, the entire 135 card Hearthstone expansion will be revealed. Eleven new cards were announced today, including four new legendaries! Fifteen cards have been revealed...
Party Crashers: Hearthstone’s Worst Tavern Brawl Ever
Hearthstone's current Tavern Brawl is the worst one yet. If you've read my articles, it won't come as a surprise that I hate excessive randomness in Hearthstone. Tavern Brawls often include a lot of randomness--think Webspinners, Unstable Portals, and Encounter at...
Hearthstone Meta Report: Zoolock Is Back in Business
Zoo Warlock (Zoolock) is one of the oldest decks in Hearthstone. Along with Control Warrior and Freeze Mage, it's been around since the early Beta days. However, just like the other two, Zoolock was killed by the Mean Streets...
Hearthstone: The Best Heroic Tavern Brawl Decks
Hearthstone's Heroic Tavern Brawl is back, and even if beginners should stay far away from the game mode, for pros or dedicated ladder climbers, it’s a great way to earn a few packs. For those who are unaware, the...
Blizzard Raises Price of European Hearthstone Card Packs
Blizzard have quietly announced that they will be increasing the price of Hearthstone's digital card packs in Europe. How much more should players expect to shell out for new cards? For the EU, Blizzard have made an 11% price increase...