
Alchemist has been one of the most popular heroes in 7.04, and we expect to see him receive significant nerfs in Patch 7.05.

Dota 2: What Do We Need in Patch 7.05?

With the Dota Asia Championships 2017 behind us, and the Kiev Major only a few weeks away, it's highly likely that IceFrog will make a few balancing tweaks to the game. Valve will presumably want to avoid destabilizing the...
Lina has been an unexpectedly popular pick at DAC 2017, largely thanks to her buffs in 7.03 and the way the 7.04 meta is developing.

7.04 Meta Report: The Heroes of DAC 2017

The Dota 2 Asia Championships 2017 has highlighted some huge shifts in the metagame, and plenty of top teams are reevaluating their prioritization of certain heroes. We've seen Monkey King rise to prominence as a roaming support, Lina reemerge as a competitive midlaner,...
Puck is one of several heroes that players will likely see more of in Patch 7.04.

Patch 7.04: How Much Has the Meta Changed?

Over the past couple weeks, Valve has released two gameplay updates for Dota 2--the dust from Patch 7.03 barely had time to settle before Patch 7.04 went live. Clearly IceFrog wanted to freshen up the the metagame before the Dota 2 Asian...
Shadow Demon's place in the meta is still unclear following a series of nerfs to illusions and his abilities. Will he return to dominance in Patch 7.03?

Dota 2: Is the Shadow Demon Meta Dead?

Is there anything more frustrating in Dota than sitting in your base trying to repel and endless army of illusions from whittling down your towers? For the past year, give or take, Shadow Demon strats have been a cornerstone of...
Zoolock decks are becoming popular once again in Hearthstone after a series of nerfs to his hardest counter.

Hearthstone Meta Report: Zoolock Is Back in Business

Zoo Warlock (Zoolock) is one of the oldest decks in Hearthstone. Along with Control Warrior and Freeze Mage, it's been around since the early Beta days. However, just like the other two, Zoolock was killed by the Mean Streets...
Both the M4A4 and the M4A1-S have pros and cons. Which rifle is better?

The Great Rifle Debate: M4A4 or M4A1-S?

When CS:GO was released in August of 2012, the M4A4 rifle was the primary Counter-Terrorist assault rifle, replacing the M4A1 from previous versions of CS. The M4A1 offered players the option of changing between silenced and unsilenced firing modes in...

Using Inevitability and Champion Scaling to Win Games

Today, I’m going to be talking about the concept of inevitability, and how you can use it guide your in-game decision making. In games and sports, teams with inevitability have an increased likelihood of winning in the late game. Teams...
The Heroic Tavern Brawl is returning to Hearthstone, where players can pay a steep entry fee for a chance at winning tempting in-game rewards.

Hearthstone: The Best Heroic Tavern Brawl Decks

  Hearthstone's Heroic Tavern Brawl is back, and even if beginners should stay far away from the game mode, for pros or dedicated ladder climbers, it’s a great way to earn a few packs. For those who are unaware, the...
Water Deck Banner

Hearthstone: The Rise of Water Decks

There's been a recent surge in popularity for Hearthstone's water decks. If you're wondering why they're called water decks, there's a simple explanation: Murlocs. Water decks typically include Finja, two Bluegill Warriors, and two Murloc Warleaders. It's the classic Murloc...
Tavern Chatter - Hearthstone Communities

Our Favorite Hearthstone Communities and Resources

When I was thinking about what I’d write for today's article, I decided to check out the news. After opening a handful of tabs in my browser, it hit me: lots of players probably don't know about these resources. There's no...
Most Important League of Legends Runes

The 20 Most Important League of Legends Runes

Runes are a major IP sink. If you're getting into ranked League of Legends or just hit level 20, you should probably be thinking about your runes and rune pages. I’ve hand-selected the best starter runes, as well as how...
Dota 2 - How To Win Mid Lane

Dota 2 Mid Guide: Win Your Lane, Win the Game

"GG EZ MID" is the oldest excuse for losing you'll ever hear, but there's no doubt that dominating the mid lane is the fastest way to put your team in a game winning position. The mid laner is traditionally...