The recent acquisition of IGL Peter "stanislaw" Jarguz by Team Liquid was a massive roster move, seemingly coming out of nowhere. During his time...
The Year of the Kraken is winding up, and Blizzard has finally put out their announcements for the new year. Welcome to the Year of...
Give it up, 3k scrub. You're not gonna become a professional gamer.
Look, it's time to face the facts: the odds of going pro are...
The Red Solstice is a real-time strategy game developed by Ironward Studios, and it's on sale right now for $7.99 on Steam. Should you buy it? Well,...
The in-game leader position is in a very peculiar place in CS:GO. While all pro teams have in-game leaders, it's worth noting that pro...
Last week, I was contacted by the data specialists over at Newzoo. Newzoo is the leading provider of esports marketing data in all its various...