Every esport is defined by its greatest games. Games showcase mechanical feats of wonder, strategical masterpieces, or the most epic storylines ever told. Heroes...
Sometimes after a massive outplay I feel so 'swole' that I want nothing more than to flex on my enemies. Unlike first-person shooters...
So we're a ways out yet from The International 2016 but I've been tasked with making a prediction on who is going to win...
After a domineering showing at the Mid-Season Invitational, SKT T1 is struggling to find its footing within its own region. As of June 22nd,...
Top lane champion, Illaoi, has recently entered the ranks of S-tier top laners. Her abilites deal significant damage while healing her for a percentage...
Many Melee players have felt the frustration of having no options for online play. The game came out in 2001, well before online console...