Kinguin Returns to CS:GO after Failed “All-Star” Experiment

It's official--Kinguin are returning to CS:GO. On June 7th, the penguin-themed aftermarket CD key retailer announced their acquisition of the Dobry&Gaming (D&G) roster. While Dobry&Gaming aren't exactly a household name in the Counter-Strike world, you might recognize the lineup from their numerous showings at...

Zyra Support: Grow Your Own Botlane

Tired of babysitting your marksman through a treacherous and cumbersome laning phase? Fed up with enemy assassins diving you while trying to heal your teammates, helplessly calling for help? I've got the homegrown solution for you! Get ready to...

SSBM: Modder Adds Tripping Mechanic

One thing about competitive Super Smash Bros. that most people are surprised to learn is that the definitive version used in tournaments around the world is Super Smash Bros. Melee. Gaming fans may be thinking “Isn’t Melee the version...

ESL Heroes Production – the Truth

Previously, I called out ESL and DreamHack for their less-than-stellar production of Heroes events in the past six months, particularly the extreme delays caused by unknown technical problems which left the audience in the dark (figuratively—this isn’t BlizzCon) to...

The Forgotten Cards of Hearthstone

  There are many cards in Hearthstone, currently and in the past, that aren’t good at the moment, but have a lot of potential. Cards such as Mark of Y’Shaarj, which works with beasts. Well, currently there aren’t enough beasts...

Noel Brown Banned for Ethical Misconduct

This past week we saw the Combo Breaker event which held tournaments for several fighting games including Street Fighter V. The tournament boasted big names and great play but was overshadowed by an event outside of the games; an...

Tips for Choosing a New Main Champion

Mastering a select group of champions isn't only incredibly rewarding, it's also one of the best ways to climb the ranked ladders. That being said, imposing a limit on your champion pool also comes with it's own set of unique...

Overwatch: Big from the Start

People who say that Overwatch made a splash in the landscape of eSports are clearly understating the gravity of its release. Now that we've finally seen the game's launch unfold, what can we observe, expect and project for its...

Manila Group Stage: Best Moments

  The main event is yet to come, and we've already been treated to a bunch of upsets and some great Dota. Current Standings After Group Stage Teams in bold will start from upper bracket. Teams in italics will play from the...

Overcoming Plateaus in League of Legends

You deserve to be exactly where you are at this point in your League of Legends career. No amount of junglers camping you, toxic teammates, disconnects, or AFK allies can change that over a large enough sample size. Where...

High Noon for Too Long: McCree Due for Nerfs?

Blizzard's Geoff Goodman, Principal Designer on the Overwatch team announced that McCree will likely be seeing some changes (nerfs) in the near future: I've been watching McCree carefully since we've released. McCree's flashbang plays an important role in being a...

Hearthstone Arena – the Best and the Worst

Introduction Hearthstone’s Arena is a very different beast than constructed. Now that Standard has come into play, arena not only has different strategies, but a whole slew of different cards as well. Because of the nature of not knowing what...