This week Riot made an announcement, and among many other things came a discussion of solo queue. For those who don’t know, when the...
"GG". The game hasn't even hit the 5 minute mark and your team's morale is already in jeopardy. The game was declared over moments...
Hearthstone's upcoming expansion, Whispers of the Elder Gods, features the ancient terrors from the beyond that were introduced to the world through the writings...
At the time of this article being written, League of Legends features 129 playable champions, plus one more (Aurelian Sol) expected to be released any...
Disclaimer: As the title suggests, this piece is entirely my own opinion, it does not represent the opinions of any other writer, nor is...
There can be many variables that goes into your decision when choosing an AD carry champion in champ select. If you are forced...
The App
After many months of hard work, we are excited to introduce Esports TV! Esports TV is a FREE mobile app that rewards gamers...
Announced several months ago, Riot has finally released the long anticipated Hextech Crafting system. For those who don’t know what it is, Riot has...