The cat is finally out of the bag, friends--the entire Journey to Un’Goro set has been revealed. This, of course, includes the legendary Quests for...
Tired of playing Melee with your friends? Try picking up a copy of Brawlhalla, the latest title from developers Blue Mammoth Games, a Georgia-based independent game studio....
The entire Journey to Un’Goro expansion has finally been revealed, and we've even got a release date on our hands: April 6th. Expect to...
As Esports Edition's resident betting and and gambling expert--on paper, not in practice--I'm always fascinated by the way that new companies try to monetize the...
Support can be a pretty damn thankless role, and it takes a true captain to keep your carries in check. Support players are like stagehands...
Blizzard continues to tease out information about the upcoming Journey to Un'Goro expansion, and we've finally seen the new legendaries for Warrior and Druid. Both...
I recently sat down with the founder of Desoladies, Ashley "Ashnichrist" Christenson. If you haven't heard of Desoladies yet, it's one of more tightly-knit esports communities...
The Paladin Quest in Journey to Un'Goro has finally been revealed. We've seen seven of the nine Quests so far, and the expansion's release...
  Adapt is one of the new mechanics coming to Hearthstone in the Journey to Un’Goro expansion. From what we've seen, the Adapt mechanic seems exclusive...
Over the past couple weeks, Valve has released two gameplay updates for Dota 2--the dust from Patch 7.03 barely had time to settle before Patch 7.04...
Good ol' Lucio. Remember when I said he's never a bad pick? Let's talk about that for a minute. Lucio is the number one most...
Hearthstone's Journey to Un’Goro expansion will be launching in the next week or so. It will bring many changes with it, including a Standard rotation...