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Relegation matches are a time of hope for many, but also sadness for an unlucky few. Photo via

Relegation Recap: LCS Promotion 2017 Spring

Aug 9, 2016
Relegation matches are a time of hope for many, but also sadness for an unlucky few. Photo via

After a grueling weekend-long tournament featuring 5 teams in each of the Western regions, the results are out. Although Cloud9’s Challenger squad met everyone’s expectations in their dominating set, the other relegation matches were fairly undecided going in. If you missed out on watching this weekend’s action, don’t worry – we’ll catch you up.

North America

Echo Fox 3 – 2 Team Liquid Academy; TLA eliminated, EF advances.

This match featured last place LCS team and the second place Challenger team, presumably the two worst squads in the tournament. The series turned out to be one of the best of the weekend. Stretching all 5 games, veteran superstar Froggen soared above the competition, controlling the flow of each game which eventually was too much for TLA to overcome.

Phoenix1 3 – 0 Echo Fox; P1 qualifies.

Despite being a living meme for the majority of the 2016 Summer Split, Phoenix1 was no joke in their relegation set. By consistently pressuring EF’s Keith and building items to counter Froggen, P1 was able to swiftly strike down any momentum that Echo Fox would have brought in from their victory over TLA. The clean sweep has Phoenix1 aiming for the top half of NA next split.

Cloud9 Challenger 3 – 0 NRG eSports; C9C qualifies.

To no one’s surprise, C9C came out with all cylinders firing. With 3 former LCS champions, a veteran marksman, and a talented new jungler, handling the faltering NRG eSports was a simple task. Altec demonstrated his prowess on Twitch, accumulating a score of 13-2-18 over two games, before having the rat banned away from him in the third. The team’s future is still somewhat in the air, though owner Jack has alluded to plans of having both teams compete simultaneously, pushing Riot for LCS franchising.

Echo Fox 3 – 0 NRG eSports; EF qualifies, NRG eliminated.

In a matchup of two organizations owned by former Lakers teammates, pride was on the line in addition to a million dollar LCS spot. Despite Shaq’s dominance during his NBA career, NRG would not display the same strength. Rick Fox’s squad played a heavily controlled style to completely stifle their opponents. On the plus side for NRG, they did make history: Kiwikid becomes the first player ever to be relegated twice in the same year.


XPeke Pensive

Team ROCCAT 3 – 2 Millenium; ROC advances; MIL eliminated.

Similarly to NA, Europe’s relegation tournament started out with a 5-game slugfest. Riding Steelback’s consistent play, ROCCAT was able to grind out the series, but not after some incredibly ugly losses including Betsy’s game two, 0-8-3 midlane Sona (I still have no idea what he was thinking). Millenium suffers a familiar fate, like TLA, being relegated once again after a reasonably strong Challenger split.

Team ROCCAT 3 – 1 Schalke 04; ROC qualifies.

Schalke 04 (previously Elements) showed some real promise at moments during the Summer Split, Steve shining through at times especially on Fiora. However, in each of their losses against ROC, they had no pressure from the very beginning. Despite the victory, ROC may look to unload Parang and Raise before next split, following lackluster performances.

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Origen 3 – 2 Misfits; OG qualifies.

This was without a doubt the ugliest set of the weekend. Both teams looked completely out of sorts and unable to execute properly at certain stages. xPeke’s marksman play was lackluster to say the least, but experience triumphed over potential once again. Just watch his kiting in this highlight clip.

Misfits 3 – 1 Schalke 0-4; MSF qualifies, S04 eliminated.

The final European match was likely over before it began. Gilius’ frustration from the prior set evidently flowed into this one, lacking discipline and control in the jungle. Further, Misfits’ Selfie was able to exert mid pressure throughout which won the set. The Football Club seems determined to keep its team and LCS goals going though. At the very least, their support has a sense of humor about the entire ordeal.

Sprattel Tweet

tl;dr: C9C, EF, P1 from NA qualify; MSF, OG, ROC from EU qualify

Aug 6, 2016
Aug 5, 2016
Aug 5, 2016
Aug 2, 2016
Jungroan Lin
Jungroan "Jezie" Lin is a Challenger League of Legends player, former top lane player for Complexity Gaming, and former jungler for Team Green Forest. He spent 6 months of his life playing only Renekton, Shyvana, and Dr. Mundo while failing to qualify for the LCS. Jungroan is currently pursuing his M.A. in Political Science at UBC.
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