The pool of viable champions for top laners now includes a highly mobile bruiser in Ekko. Things have changed since the Mundo/Shyvanna meta of...
There are few champions that have managed to consistently adapt to the ever-changing meta and stay useful over a long period of time. Gragas,...
So I'm the resident Dota 2 writer around here. As most people know, Dota and League have a pretty fierce rivalry. At great risk...
This week Riot made an announcement, and among many other things came a discussion of solo queue. For those who don’t know, when the...
"GG". The game hasn't even hit the 5 minute mark and your team's morale is already in jeopardy. The game was declared over moments...
"We'll be honest: there's definitely a world in which solo queue doesn't return, but we'd rather keep it on the table as we...
At the time of this article being written, League of Legends features 129 playable champions, plus one more (Aurelian Sol) expected to be released any...
  Disclaimer: As the title suggests, this piece is entirely my own opinion, it does not represent the opinions of any other writer, nor is...
There can be many variables that goes into your decision when choosing an AD carry champion in champ select. If you are forced...
Announced several months ago, Riot has finally released the long anticipated Hextech Crafting system. For those who don’t know what it is, Riot has...
In every sport, the ultimate goal is always to win a championship. For most teams, this will never happen, but that doesn't mean that...
Round I: G2 vs. H2K, Week 2, Day 2 Week 5 marks the entrance to the second half of the 2016 Spring Split. This is a...