Introduction Recently many of the Hearthstone professional players have been discontent with the state of Hearthstone. One of the loudest speakers has been James ‘Firebat’...
Arena Balance Over the past few weeks, arena balance has become a growing source of concern. Mage in particular is a problem, as they have an...
Introduction Team Na’Vi, short for Natus Vincere, is a successful esports team. They are highly competitive in Counter Strike, DotA 2, Heroes of the Storm,...
Introduction Barnes wasn’t the only fantastic new card introduced this week. The second wing of One Night in Karazhan also brought Arcane Giant. Arcane Giant...
Introduction This week the second wing of One Night in Karazhan was released. With it came the second legendary, Barnes. Barnes is a very interesting...
Introduction So anyone that has read my articles for any length of time knows that I hate random effects. I’ve also made it clear that...
Introduction It’s no secret that Priest is in a bad spot right now. They’ve been the lowest class on the totem for quite a while,...
Introduction The One Night in Karazhan expansion continues with the recent addition of Medivh, the Guardian himself. Medivh is a mage who serves as the...
One Night in Karazhan The card reveals for the new expansion, One Night in Karazhan, have continued. This time we have books, imps, and one...
Introduction The new Hearthstone expansion has been announced! One Night in Karazhan will be launching August 11th. As usual, the wings will be 700 gold...
Introduction This week Hearthstone experienced quite a bit of miscellaneous news. Some of the things directly impact players at the top end of ladder play....
  A Challenger Approaches! J4CKIECHAN has finally made it to the tournament scene! Over the last six months, J4CKIECHAN has been rising in popularity. He has...