5. Chaos Knight Chaos Knight is a useful ganker and semi-carry. Chaos Knight is great in the early game due to how strong he can...
5. Cowsep Cowsep is one of the many Twitch streamers who likes to dress up while he plays. Cowsep wears a cow hat the whole...
5. Lee Sin Lee Sin is a mobile assassin that can maneuver around enemies and control where they go. Lee Sin’s ability to ward jump...
5. Showdown Showdown was and still is the only true 1v1 or 2v2 game mode. This game mode takes place on the Howling Abyss and...
5. LGD Gaming LGD Gaming was created back in 2009. They began as "The Dream Team" but later switched to their current name, and are...
5. Ezreal Ezreal is a very mobile AD Carry that can snowball himself very easily. His ability to get over wall and pretty much teleport...
10. Gnar Gnar is a great late game carry that can help turn a bad game into a good one. Gnar’s early game consists of...
10. BunnyFuFuu BunnyFuFuu plays support for Team Gravity. His champion pool is not very large but it’s filled with "goodies". BunnyFuFuu mains Thresh, Janna, and...
10. Haunted Zyra Haunted Zyra is a very good looking skin. All of her abilities are changed to look like they truly came from the...
10. Crystal Maiden Crystal Maiden is a support champion that can slow enemies and give mana back to her team. She works well on any...
10. ppd ppd (Peter Dager) plays for Evil Geniuses and has made a total of $576,948 over his gaming career. 9. UNIVeRsE UNIVeRsE (Saahil Arora) plays for Evil...
10. Team Secret Team Secret is currently in 10th place for highest tournament winnings. They have played in eight tournaments and have earned a total...