5. Garen Coming in at number five is Garen. Garen has a strong mid and late game, he has high base damage and he is...
5. Rumble Rumble is a strong top-laner that has good cc and can put out a lot of damage, Rumble is the type of top-laner...
10. Arclight Vel'Koz This skin pleased everybody when it came out, the yellow and the blue go so well together. The purple/pink default skin just...
5. Nunu Nunu has high sustain and is great for counter jungling. Nunu is tanky and can snowball his AD Carry with constant ganks. Nunu...
5. Ahri Ahri has a decent laning phase and a high pick potential. She is good at assassinating enemies and has decent wave clear. Her...
5. Corki Corki has high physical and magical damage high burst damage, and is strong throughout the whole game. His rockets scale with levels giving...
5. Riven Riven is a very mobile top-laner that has a high snowball potential. She has low cooldowns, and is a very strong duelist. Riven...
5. Orianna Orianna is a great champion to learn how to play. She is very hard but can be mastered after a lot of practice....
5. Blitzcrank Coming in at number five is Blitzcrank. Blitzcrank has always been one of the better supports, other than his pull which can guarantee...
5. Lee Sin Lee Sin is one of the most mobile champions in the game, making him great for setting up plays, and, getting around...
5. Nautilus Nautilus is a very basic champion that can easily take over the early game. His ability to pull, stun, knockup, and slow enemies...
5. Syndra Syndra is capable of many things when it comes to team fights. She can stun, slow, and burst someone to death if they...